By, John Danfulani, Ph.D
The tradition of marking the First Hundred Days in office by democratically elected leaders originated in the U.S. in 1933. Subsequently, the culture became a globally accepted and adopted tradition.
Nearing the first hundred days, leaders design an array of activities to showcase steps they have taken to fulfill the quintessential thrusts of their social contract. And quick decisions embarked on to ameliorate neck-breaking predicaments bedeviling the led.
Gov.Sani has unveiled some actions and decisions he took within the period in focus. His activities demonstrated that; he kept the faith and ran a very excellent race. A survey of opinions cutting across socio-political contours confirmed that a commanding majority of the people are comfortable and satisfied with his transformational and progressive activities.
Within his first hundred days in office, he constructed socially collapsed bridges, united the people, nipped bud apocalyptic insecurity, restored lost trust from a section of the state, facilitated smooth labor relations, took citizen’s engagement to a higher pedestal, flagged off multiple road projects, reignited forsaken agricultural extension activities, attracted Foreign Direct Investment, and initiated innovative and revolutionary bills like financial inclusion bill. There isn’t debating the realism that his first hundred days in office are in their league.
His unprecedented sagacity in touching every aspect of his 7-point agenda mesmerized political folks and foes alike. This dispatched one vivid message: no item in his 7-point agenda will be relegated or neglected. Finally, on this, he has demonstrated that he can perform the onerous task of holding two or more balls in the air simultaneously without qualms.
His Excellency’s First Hundred Days in office have masterminded a revolution of rising expectations from mandate givers. People and communities yoked with multifarious quandaries now believe that the ends of their tribulations are nearer. Their aspirations indicate rock-solid confidence they have in the Governor’s capacity to crush their troubles. I can bet on one thing: he will do his best and within the limit of available resources to see that he leaves them better than he met them.
If this much was achieved in just a hundred days, it’s crystal clear that Kaduna state would witness unprecedented transformations tantamount to those of FDR of the U.S. Lee Kuaw Yew of Singapore, Meiji of Japan, etc. At the end of his four-year mandate on 29th May 2027, Kaduna state will be like a proverbial shining city on a hill often spoken by President Ronald Wilson Reagan of the U.S. Or become an attractive first-world island in a third-world hemisphere.
I beseech the people of Kaduna state to sustain their unflinching support for the government and the governor because he has demonstrated that he is a promise keeper and a faithful servant. Their undissimulative backing, conscious understanding, and untiring inputs are crucial to service delivery and the smooth running of affairs of the state.
I also appeal to “KADALITES” to keep the peace because there can’t be any meaningful development in a babel atmosphere. Development and instability don’t co-habit—they are strange bedfellows. No investor will risk his money in a place where peace is a scarce commodity and ruckus a constant companion.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre ( until victory, always )